St. Paul Catholic Church has a moral and legal responsibility, and is entrusted by God, for the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of minors and vulnerable adults who participate in activites within or sponsored by our parish. We are committed to providing an environment that is safe and nurturing for everyone.
In compliance with the Policy for the Protection of Minors and Young People as decreed by Bishop Daniel E. Thomas of the Diocese of Toledo, employees and volunteers at St. Paul Parish who are over the age of 18 and who work with minors or vulnerable adults must successfully complete a registration process before working or volunteering in any capacity. This process is mandated, monitored, and strictly enforced by the Diocese.
The Safe Environment Program of the Diocese of Toledo was established to ensure compliance with the Articles set forth in the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People [Spanish version], established by the U. S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in June 2002, and most recently revised in June 2018. The Safe Environment Program of the Diocese of Toledo functions through the Office of Child and Youth Protection and Victim Assistance, which coordinates training and background checks for all Diocesan clergy, employees, and volunteers who have regular contact with minors. It also disseminates the Diocesan Policy for the Protection of Minors and Young People, which includes:
All employees and volunteers within the ecclesiastical organizations of the Diocese of Toledo cannot begin working with children without first successfully completing the necessary background checks, the Safe Environment Training program, and signing an acknowledgement form, indicating that they have received,, read, understand, and will abide by the Standards of Behavior and Boundaries [see Appendix A, above] and the Guidelines for Prevention of Abuse of Vulnerable Adults [see Appendix B, above]. Individuals who do not comply will not be permitted to work or volunteer until all requirements have been met.
Volunteers who normally do not work directly with minors will be provided a copy of the Standards of Behavior and Boundaries which they must read and acknowledge.
Clergy, employees, and volunteers working with minors must complete a Protecting Youth course on the VIRTUS website. If you previously completed a Protecting Youth course or a background check, you may already have an account on VIRTUS. Please contact the Safe Environment Compliance Coordinator for the Diocese of Toledo (419-244-6711) prior to setting up an account.
To establish a new VIRTUS account, click on the appropriate link below:
The website process will lead you through the steps to acknowledge your agreement to abide by the Standards of Behavior and Boundaries, to complete the necessary background check, and to complete the training module "Protecting God's Children."
Reporting Misconduct/Abuse
Church Personnel
Church personnel have a duty to report both their own ethical or professional misconduct and the ethical or professional misconduct of others. In addition to this, church personnel are to hold each other accountable for maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards. As a general rule, any conduct of concern should be brought by church personnel to the attention of his or her supervisor or other appropriate church authorities.
Individuals are encouraged to report allegations of sexual misconduct or suspected sexual abuse of a minor to church personnel, and all allegations will be taken with the utmost seriousness. Church personnel in the Diocese of Toledo, who have reason to suspect child abuse, have a civil and moral duty to report the suspected abuse by following the mandated procedure detailed in the Policy for the Protection of Minors and Young People, which includes the requirement of notifying the appropriate civil agency and contacting the Office for Child and Youth Protection and Victim Assistance at the Diocese of Toledo.
To Report the Sexual Abuse of a Minor
To report any sexual abuse of a minor by Diocesan personnel (priest, deacon, consecrated religious brother/sister, or lay person), immediate contact should be made with local civil authorities, and with the Diocese of Toledo’s Victim Assistance Coordinator who can be reached at 419-244-6711, ext. 4880 in the Toledo calling area, or 1-800-926-8277, ext. 4880 (Outside Toledo, Within Ohio).
To report any sexual abuse of a minor by a bishop, or a bishop’s interference in an allegation of sexual abuse of a minor, immediate contact should be made with local civil authorities and by going to or calling (800) 276-1562. The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting service allows for individuals to relay to church authorities any reports of a U.S. Catholic bishop who has:
This service regarding the reporting of bishops only is operated by Convercent, Inc., an independent third-party entity, through a secure, confidential, and professional platform.
This service regarding the reporting of bishops only is operated by Convercent, Inc., an independent third-party entity, through a secure, confidential, and professional platform.
Diocese of Toledo Clergy Status Report
The Diocese of Toledo Clergy Status Report, on the Diocese of Toledo website, provides information regarding the status of clergy including:
The Victim Assistance Program of the Diocese of Toledo recognizes its responsibility to provide, upon request, pastoral care, support, and resources to the victims of sexual abuse and their loved ones in support of their efforts to achieve psychological, emotional, and spiritual healing. The Diocese also recognizes its pastoral responsibility to assist all who are affected, including the community and the accused, in order to promote understanding and healing. After abuse has been reported, victims and their families can request to receive Victim Assistance from the Diocese.
Compliance Audit
The Diocese of Toledo is in compliance with the articles of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People (Charter) of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).
Every year, the Diocese dutifully submits the necessary documentation required by the USCCB for a diocese to be in compliance.
Every three years an on-site audit is conducted, when not only all necessary documentation is dutifully submitted, but in addition, Pastoral Center, parish and diocesan school employees are interviewed concerning practices and protocols related to creating and maintaining a safe environment for our children and youth.
The last 3-year audit was conducted in September 2024 and all audited Articles within the Charter were found to be compliant. The next on-site audit will be conducted in 2027.
The Diocese of Toledo remains committed to ensuring the protection of children and providing a safe environment for all young people. If you have any knowledge of abuse that has been committed by a cleric, or any personnel of the Catholic Church, you are urged to report the abuse to your local police department, Children Services, and the Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator at (419) 214-4880 or by mail at 1933 Spielbusch Avenue, Toledo, Ohio 43604.
QUESTIONS about safe environment policies and procedures at St. Paul Parish should be directed to our Compliance Officer, Kate McKinney, 419-668-6044, [email protected].