Those who participate in this ministry provide a pastoral presence to family members who have lost a loved one, assist the family in planning the funeral liturgy, and greet people coming to the funeral Mass. This group also follows up with cards to the family throughout the year and helps plan and celebrate our Mass of Remembrance, a special memorial liturgy held each year in the beginning of November.
Contact: Pat Krause
“Care Calls” is an ongoing phone call ministry to St. Paul parishioners to see how they are doing. Volunteers might ask how St. Paul’s can best support them, if there is anything they need. They also may answer their questions and inform them of our services in the parish. Our experience is that people really appreciate these calls!
Volunteer callers may make as few or many calls as they like. To expand our ministry, we always need more volunteers!
Contact: Parish Office
For parents to participate in the many programs and events we offer at our parish, offering childcare is essential. Volunteers are needed occasionally during the day, evening, or for weekend events.
Contact: Jen Sanders
Whether someone is recovering from surgery, an illness, or childbirth, our Daily Bread ministry volunteers will deliver lovingly prepared meals to individuals and families in need. To request a meal or to volunteer to prepare meals, please contact Barb Ballantine.
Contact: Parish Office
This ministry maintains a vital connection between the gathered community and those who are unable to attend Mass in person. Eucharistic Ministers distribute the Eucharist to those in the hospital, Gaymont Nursing Home, the Carriage House, and to those at home who are unable to come to Mass, even on a temporary basis.
Contact: Debbie Hettel
Members of the Funeral Luncheon ministry support bereaved families of St. Paul Parish with a luncheon for their families and friends after a funeral Mass or burial. Volunteers are called to prepare a side dish, bake a dessert, or to help with the preparation and serving of the lunch for the family.
Contact: Vickie Loconsole
Our Health Ministry Team is made up of volunteer nurses, doctors, and caring people willing to help our congregation by promoting good health practices. The Health Ministry Team focuses on wellness and disease prevention and takes a holistic approach to helping the community of God’s people.
Contact: Karen Ott
Members of our Hospitality Team are called upon to prepare food for and/or serve at special parish and diocesan events.
Contact: Lisa Hedrick
Our parish has a group of people who serve by praying for others' special intentions. To have someone placed on the prayer chain or to volunteer to pray for others, please call:
Contact: Marcia Roth
The St. John Neumann Deanery Respect Life is a combined ministry of the deanery group and deanery parishes. Its mission and goals are: LIFE
To: Live the Gospel of life in all of its aspects and
To: Intercede for the protection of life and the
restoration of the culture of life.
To: Fulfill the demands of educating and informing our
parishes and those in our sphere of influence.
To: Engage our parishes in the spiritual and temporal
battles against life and God's Commandments and
Holy Word.
Contacts: Bev Reichert and Karen Ott
The Norwalk St. Paul Chapter of the St. Vincent de Paul Society has been part of this international charitable organization since 1954, providing assistance for the less fortunate in our local community. Members meet to review each application received, determine what financial help can be given, and what referrals are available that also could be of help. Many people desperately need someone who cares, who will listen, and who is willing to share their burden. It is during this time we can show them God’s love and that He can have a direct impact on their lives.
Contact: Danita Conway
While being welcoming is the responsibility of all parishioners, this team coordinates opportunities to formally welcome new parishioners.
Contact: Lisa Hedrick